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Martial Glacier Trekking


From: $ 123.500,00


A few minutes northwest of the city, you will have the opportunity to visit one of the most important tourist attractions in Ushuaia: the Martial Glacier, a natural wonder that has much to offer at any time of the year. time of the year. The tour starts with the pick up from the hotel to the base of the Martial Glacier ski slope. The objective of this trekking is to feel the essence of being in the middle of the Andes Mountain Range, being able to observe from a strategic point: the city of Ushuaia and its Bay, as well as the Beagle Channel, the Bridges Islands and the neighboring Navarino Island, in Chile. We start the trekking going up the main trail of the Martial Ski Center, and then we continue bordering a small creek called Buena Esperanza, in the direction of the glacier. When we reach the 'high altitude valley' of the Martial, the vegetation becomes sparse and we enter the 'mountain environment' (peat). From here, the slope will gradually become steeper, until we reach the Martial Glacier panoramic point. We will stop to enjoy our Lunch box, and appreciate an absolutely unique view: The Andes, Ushuaia and the sea! It is important to note that we do not reach the summit of the Glacier itself, but we will walk towards it, obtaining fabulous views of the whole place. Take advantage of our Benefits and Offers: We accept Previaje Card Now Plan in up to 12 Fixed Installments!
Itinerary details
  • Salida de Ushuaia
  • Comienzo del Trekking desde la base del glaciar
  • Punto Panorámico. Continuación del trekking por el filo del Glaciar. Al regreso nos detenemos para apreciar un snack, contempando las vistas panorámicas
  • Regreso
  • Arribo a Ushuaia
Duration: Medio día
Time of year: Todo el año
What we include
  • Guía de Montaña, profesional habilitado
  • Snack
  • Traslado Hotel / Excursión / Hotel
  • Seguro de accidentes personales
  • Equipo técnico si la actividad lo requiere
  • Comunicación Satelital en caso de emergencia
  • Financiación especial: Cuota Simple con tu tarjeta de crédito!
What is not included:
  • Ropa de abrigo, ni calzado impermeable
  • Mochila para el equipo personal
  • Botella de agua
The best financing:
Plan Cuota Simple (Visa, Mastercard y American Express ** de todos los bancos)
  • 03 cuotas con cargo de 25%
  • 06 cuotas con cargo de 40%
  • 12 cuotas con cargo de 70%
** No incluidas Tarjetas American Express no bancarias.

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