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Trekking and Canoeing in the National Park


From: $ 420.000,00


Coastal Trekking and Canoeing in the National Park from Ushuaia

This is an outing for people who want to walk along easy and undemanding trails and navigate with inflatable canoes through the rivers and lagoons inside the Park up to the Beagle Channel. (Not for the elderly). We started our tour of the hotels and headed west on Route 3. We arrive at the National Park (entrance fee not included) and head towards the coastal path. This 3 and a half hour hike is undoubtedly the most beautiful in the park. It is a trail with a lot of vegetation (Lengas, Ñires, Coihues, Orchids, Canelos, Notros). Arriving at Roca Lake we will have a picnic that includes a picada with cheese, salami, potatoes, eggs and soup, plus a good spring sandwich, dessert and drinks are also included. After lunch we prepared for the canoes. The Tierra del Fuego National Park and its green rivers and lagoons are undoubtedly one of the most beautiful landscapes to tour with our safe canoes. We leave Lake Roca at 3:00 p.m. and after a technical explanation, we start paddling towards the Lapataia River, of calm and crystalline waters, crossing the green lagoon and the Ovando River, until it flows into Lapataia Bay. In this first part (Approx. 01:30 h) of the excursion, we will be able to observe different species of birds, beautiful landscapes from the water and enjoy the silence; or the sounds of the forest. Up to Lapataia Bay the physical effort is very little, there we will make a stop and have a coffee break for about a half hour. 45′, in a very wild place where the Yámanas used to live. After not getting tired of enjoying this unforgettable postcard, we will paddle out through the Beagle Channel. This last part is also easy, but the effort is greater due to the current. After a few drinks we returned to Ushuaia with the sunset in the background. Take advantage of our Benefits and Offers:
  • We accept Previaje Card
  • Now Plan in up to 12 Fixed Installments!
Itinerary details

Este es uno de los sitios más visitados de Ushuaia: es cercano y accesible desde la ciudad y no impone una manera de abordarlo. Se dice que se lo puede recorrer de cualquier modo, pero lo cierto es que puede que no revele su secreto al que no se adentre en su paisaje o no repare lo suficiente en las maravillas que guarda.

Le proponemos descubrir el verdadero secreto del Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego.

Con nuestros guías especializados (y fuera de serie) es posible conocer en detalle este paraíso recuperado, donde las montañas se pueden alcanzar desde cerca del mar, y el agua dulce de ríos y lagos convive con la costa marina. En esta excursión se camina por el bosque y se rema por lagos y ríos o se navega en un bote a motor por la mismísima Bahía Lapataia.

Duration: Día entero
Time of year: Todo el año
What we include
  • Transporte y Guía de Turismo habla Hispana / Inglés
  • Todos los traslados incluidos
  • Paseo en Canoas en el Parque Nacional
  • Almuerzo Incluido
  • Botas de goma, chaleco salvavidas y traje impermeable
  • Financiación especial: Cuota Simple con tu tarjeta de crédito!
What is not included:
  • Entrada al Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego
  • Todo servicio no especificado en el programa.
The best financing:
Plan Cuota Simple (Visa, Mastercard y American Express ** de todos los bancos)
  • 03 cuotas con cargo de 25%
  • 06 cuotas con cargo de 40%
  • 12 cuotas con cargo de 70%
** No incluidas Tarjetas American Express no bancarias.
Aceptamos PIX como forma de pago.

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